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Piper Gear Powerpack

Part Number PGM PUMP
review 7 Review(s)
Piper Gear Powerpack
Aircraft Hydraulic Powerpack (landing gear)
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Call to Order this part: 586-646-5671 ($95.00 cash discount)


This statement must be said up front to comply with the FAA "Our powerpack is not Certified"

However, our pump will operate the gear just like the factory Prestolite units. It has an aluminum self-contained reservoir that uses 5606 hydraulic fluid. Pump mounts in the same physical location as the HYC5005 powerpack. Our unit connects to both aircraft AN-4 hydraulic line fittings (Gear Up & Gear Down), Pump wiring uses the same 3 wire aircraft power circuits (GREEN, BLUE and BLACK). Pump operates with your panel mounted Gear UP and DOWN switch just like factory gear pump. Our pump builds the same pressures in both hydraulic circuits as the factory gear pump ( HYC5005 ). You will not be able to tell the difference between our powerpack and the HYC5000 series powerpack. With the exception, ours costs about 1/3rd the price, it's a better unit, bolts in easy, is quieter, comes with installation instructions and has thousands of test cycles. For the last 30 years it has been used for retractable gear operation on high performance experimental aircraft (Velocity, Berkut, E-racer, Long EZ and several others. It is even used on some 114B Commanders and Piper aircraft with a different hydraulic reservoir). This unit has been in service for over 30 years on other aircraft, flying the same skies and landing on the same runways as your aircraft. 

Call me for more information.


Our gear powerpack comes with the mounting bracket, aluminum reservoir, Rubber isolation pads, pre-formed hydraulic tubes and fittings to complete a basic install in just a couple hours. You will need common hand tools for the installation. Note: it may look like the units on eBay but there are several modifications to the pump & reservoir to function properly in an aircraft.  

I would like to provide a little insight to the Prestolite Gear Powerpacks; They haven't made these units in over 40 years. The price for overhaul has gone from 1500 dollars to as high as $3,950.00 in less than 4 years. Core exchanges are between $3,000 and $3,500. The overhauled HYC5000 series powerpacks are only lasting a few years when returned to service. I'll explain why this is taking place. First, the repair shops are all price fixing, allowing them to gouge the consumer. They know there are no alternatives to these Prestolite powerpacks.  However, there is another issue at hand, I told you they haven't made these units in over 4 decades. Let me explain what is transpiring at the authorized repair shops.

I spoke with an authorized powerpack overhaul shop, not going to mention the shop as I told tech I would not share the facility name. I will say this is a large repair facility that you have most likely heard the name many times. The reason there is a 3500 dollar core charge for these pumps is, they can't get replacement parts, they are not made anymore. I'm talking about the aluminum pump casting and the aluminum base to the reservoir. They can get the DC motors. for under 60 dollars and or the small motor parts (brushes, bushings, seals, etc...) for a just a few dollars.  All those are common parts for many other DC motor applications. However, the parts that take a beating like the actual shaft driven hydraulic pump that mounts to the unit's base and the aluminum valve body that is cast into the base plate are not available. The balls and springs are also common replacement parts, but they don't go bad. So, when they sell you an overhauled powerpack, you're getting a DC motor with brushes, bearing and the armature commutator turned flat, about 12 dollars in parts. Fields out of another good case, only if it needs new fields. You are not getting anything new in the pump assembly except maybe some .30 cent springs and some .50 cent steel balls and about 45 cents in O-rings. I forgot to mention, there is still one manufacture making the Gear UP lock valve, but they will not install that unless the pump needs it. 

So, these pumps are failing more frequently, yet the price keeps going up. This is because they are running out of functional/used cores to steal parts from. You're getting the best of the warn out parts they take in as cores. What a wonderful system, 3500 dollars, plus a 3000 dollar core charge and you get back someone else's defective worn out pump parts that are just functional enough to pass the bench test. Once you bolt in the plane, GOOD LUCK! We are all dealing with the same used, worn-out Prestolite HYC5000 series pumps.

This new powerpack was selected and modified by an engineer, that designed components for the automotive industry for several decades. He is also an IA and has worked on aircraft for over 40 years to include US military aircraft. In addition, he holds a commercial instrument rating in Multi Engine fixed wing and Turbine Helicopters. He was a US Army Maintenance Officer and attended the US Army Test pilot school in Ft. Eustis VA. He also has dealt with Prestolite pump failures and understood there needed to be an affordable alternative solution.  

These Units are built to your specifications; pressures, volume, mounting, fluid, voltage, ports, fitting size etc...  
Call me for more information.

Customer Reviews
Rating Gear Pump PA32Rt-300T
After 2 rebuilds in 4 year on the piper pump I replaced my pump with the Select Fire pump, like mentioned above need a 1/4 inch pipe bender and fabbed a little cover for the baggage board as had to accommodate the taller pump but is working well. Great customer service.
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Reviewed by:  from Vicksburg Michgian. - 1/26/2023
Rating PA28R
My landing gear would not stay up. PPP wanted 3750.00 for a rebuilt pump plus 8 weeks to deliver. Ordered this unit from Phil, got it in 3 days. My airplane landing gear works perfect, it is also a bit faster. Thank you Phil
  Did you find this helpful?    3 of 4 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from VT. - 9/17/2022
Rating Awesome product!
I installed the new gear pump assy and couldn't be happier! Install was straight forward and retraction time is quicker. A better solution then a legacy "old school" gear pump! Thanks for a solid solution Phil!
  Did you find this helpful?    2 of 2 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Connecticut. - 8/9/2024
Rating Great Unit!!!
The landing gear in my 1968 Piper Arrow began to drop during flight. My mechanic immediately diagnosed the problem as a failing powerpack that is no longer made or supported by Piper. He had recently come across Phil and his new manufactured powerpacks for 1/2 the cost of a “rebuilt” unit. The Rockwell owner supplied the unit and it worked great. I ordered one for my Arrow and couldn’t be happier with the results. Thanks Phil for giving us an option!
  Did you find this helpful?    2 of 2 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Apopka, FL. - 10/18/2022
Rating New Pump In
Directions are easy to understand. Make sure you have a 1/4 tube bender and a flare tool. Fabricated Down hydraulic line. Powerpack works outstanding!! Suggestion, you should provide the new hydraulic line in the kit or offer it as an additional part. Other than that, it was a no brainer to install your pump.
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Reviewed by:  from Springfield, IL. - 8/5/2022
Rating Owner mechanic
My shuttle valve below my old Presto-lite gear pump malfunctioned. Arrow 180. While waiting to get pump removed began looking at rebuild costs !!! Holy Smoke!! And a 120 to 180 day wait --- maybe. Nearly $4K for the core chg!! I contacted Phillip. This pump works great!! We decided to disable the gear Auto-extension system in conjunction with the new pump install and had issues with the pressure switch and Hoof (Emgcy gear extension) valve. But Phillip was right on top of things - shipping me a gauge set to test the pump and trouble shoot - But the gist of the matter is the pump install - goes in very easily - in fact it is more time consuming to remove the old pump than to install the mount and Phillip's pump!! Customer service is top notch. Great to do business with him!!!
  Did you find this helpful?    1 of 1 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Tennessee. - 8/28/2024
Rating Power-Pack
Installed the Select Fire Pump. Had to make 2 hydraulic lines. A bit time consuming. Total installation was about 3 hours! Pump is in and functioning. Gear operates without issue. I think it may be a bit faster.
  Did you find this helpful?    1 of 1 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Birmingham . - 8/1/2022
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